Study Permit

Study at DLI approved institutions with exceptional Canadian education at school, college or university level.

Study in Canada

Each year Canada welcomes thousands of international students to experience world class education in Canada. Canada is a preferred destination for students from across the globe, as students get access to quality education, along with the ability to work while studying. Most importantly, studying in Canada unlocks the opportunity to choose a pathway to become a Canadian Permanent Resident.

Canadian immigration policies for international students make working after graduation, and permanent residency thereafter much easier as compared to the rest of the world. Whether you come to only study in Canada or to make Canada your permanent home, you must meet certain requirements to qualify. Immigration processes can be complicated as there are many factors to take into consideration before initiating the process. Hence, working with an experienced consultant who guides you through this step by step relieves your stress, provides confidence and peace of mind.

Your dependents may also be able to accompany you to Canada for the duration of your studies in Canada. Your spouse or common-law partner may be able to obtain a work permit, and your dependent children may be able to obtain a study permit at Canadian elementary and secondary schools. We can guide you through this and help you reunite with your loved ones.

At Globus, your study matters and we are ready to help you at every step of the process; from admission to submitting your application to finding pathways for permanently immigrating to Canada. Let us assist you in creating an application that is designed to make you stand out among the vast amount of applications received year-round. We also offer career counselling services to help you find an institution which is best suited to your profile and long term goals.

Study Permit- Regular Stream

A study permit allows you to legally study in Canada for the duration of the study permit that was issued to you. Generally, study permits are issued for studies that are 6 months or longer depending on the duration of your program, your passport validity or other factors. If your program is shorter than 6 months, then you will not need a study permit. Although you might need a temporary resident visa to enter and remain in Canada on a valid status. Depending on your nationality you may be required to obtain an eTa or a visa.

Having a Canadian education comes with its many benefits. Canada allows its valid study permit holders to work up to 20 hours a week while studying and full-time during breaks without a need of work permit. In addition to offering a world class education and experience, Canada offers its graduates a chance to enter the Canadian market and gain Canadian work experience. Having both Canadian education and work experience can be rewarding when and if you decide to pursue the pathway of permanent residence.


  • Be enrolled at a Designated Learning Institution.
  • Have enough funds to cover your tuition fees, living expenses and transportation.
  • Have a police certificate with a clean record
  • Undertake medical exam through an approved panel physician.

Responsibilities While Studying in Canada

  • Respect and obey the conditions that are listed on the study permit issued to you upon your entry to Canada.
  • Make progress towards completion of the program.
  • Maintain valid status during your stay

Student Direct Stream

Depending on the country of your residence, you may be eligible to apply under Student Direct Stream (SDS). SDS Category has become very attractive for the residents of certain eligible countries as it provides faster processing times. Under this program if you are eligible, your application can be processed in just 20 days. Applications under SDS can be complex as there are additional requirements compared to the regular stream. It is very important to gather and submit the necessary documents to avoid refusal of an application and unwanted delays. At Globus, we work religiously to help you create the application package required for this stream.

In addition to the requirements of the Regular Study Permit Stream, you need following additional documents:

  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000.
  • Proof of Language Proficiency Test with 6.0 or higher in each skill on IELTS ( International English Language Testing System) or at least of CLB 7 in each skill on TEF (Test d’évaluation de français).

Steps to Apply for Study Permit in Canada

Plan your study

The first step to study in Canada is to plan what you would like to study and if Canada is your dream destination. It is generally advised to start preparing for your application a year in advance considering time required for admission, application preparation and IRCC processing times.

Decide Your Program of Study and Institution

To study in Canada, prospective students must apply to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) approved by the province or the territory to accept international students. All primary and secondary schools in Canada are considered designated learning institutions. Only Colleges and Universities that are designated as DLI’s are eligible to host international students in Canada.

Take Language Proficiency Test

You may need to take an approved language proficiency test. For a complete list of proof acceptable for language proficiency by various colleges and universities, please contact us.

Obtain a Letter of Acceptance

You must be accepted at a DLI and receive a Letter of Acceptance, in order to start your immigration application. Contact us for obtaining a letter of acceptance from reputed Designated Learning institutes in Canada.

Apply for Study Permit

When applying for a study permit, you need to gather necessary documents. At Globus, we can help you through our detailed checklists and complete guidance to successfully submit your application and to avoid any delays or refusals. Students must submit an application well in advance to reach in time for their program start dates.

Prepare for Arrival

Upon receipt of your visa, it is time to prepare for your arrival. At Globus, we assist you with arrival services to provide you with a smoother integration and settlement in Canada. Please contact us if you require arrival services.

At Globus, You Matter!

Extension or Restoration of Study Permit

At Globus Immigration, we assist our clients from initial application to extension or restorations of study permits. We plan ahead so that you may continue with your studies without a break. We also assist clients who have expired study permits, due to various reasons, represent their files to IRCC and help in restoration of their study permit. Extension or Restoration of study permit applications are very time sensitive, therefore must be strategically planned and submitted in a timely manner. At Globus, we are here to assist you at every step of the process.

Work After You Graduate with Post Graduation Work Permit

After completion of your study program at the Designated Learning Institution, you may be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit or LMIA based work permit, or depending on your studies and previous education, you may also be eligible to apply to live permanently in Canada.

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