School, College and University Admissions
Students interested in studying in Canada can rely on us to help them identify the school, college or university that best suits their profile. We associate with a number of schools for students coming in to do high school credit courses or early school years to gain advantage of a Canadian high school diploma. Students below the age of 18 can be assisted with finding a guardian or mentor to help ensure a safe stay in Canada.
Students applying for diploma, post graduate diploma or degree programs can seek our assistance for identifying their areas of interest, available programs, start dates, fees associated with these programs, work permit and other requirements for various Canadian colleges and universities from any provinces or territories in Canada. We help students determine which program will be best suited for their future plans of permanently settling in Canada as well. Admission process is simplified for our students thus helping them save crucial time, effort and money in getting enrolled in the program of their choice.
Research based programs are a very lucrative option for people interested in higher education and we can provide expert guidance in areas of research that are high in demand and matched to the candidates previous education and research.

Steps for Admissions
Review and eligibility assessment
Review and eligibility assessment
Apply to school/college/university
Get Acceptance Letter
Initiate Immigration process